To: President Donald Trump
No, Donald, we do not stand with vile bigots, vulgar bullies, ignorant liars, and brutalizers of women and immigrants. Not now, not ever.
No, Donald, we do not stand with vile bigots, vulgar bullies, ignorant liars, and brutalizers of women and immigrants. Not now, not ever.
Why is this important?
Americans who oppose lies, bigotry, bullying, misogyny, and wholesaling of ignorance want to put first things first. We want to make clear that, whatever the economic issues, whatever the need for change, we cannot sell out basic moral values for economic and political objectives. Many voters set aside these ethical and moral standards for what they thought would be the economic gain and political change they think we need. We cannot begin there. We cannot build anything positive on such a base. First we need to unequivocally reject these evils. Then we can get our economic and political house in order. Not the other way around. What next? Principled, reasoned, rigorous, non-violent resistance. Please forward and circulate on social media.