To: David Hursey, Citizen for Fairness

NRA Shooting Victims Fund

Those that hold others accountable for what they believe, should be held accountable for their own beliefs and efforts. The NRA should establish a fund to help victims of shootings with assault weapons with multiple round clips such as Aurora, CO. to help them pay for their hospital expenses.

Why is this important?

I believe that the NRA should show some compassion for the victims of mass shootings like both the Colorado shootings - Columbine and the Aurora incident. If they can maintain the most powerful lobby in the world, threaten law makers with being thrown out of office with the wrong vote, pay their head over $!M/yr, they should be able to afford to aid the victims of such catastrophes. The local hospitals are kicking in for partial forgiveness for victims bills. If the NRA can't be shamed into standing down from everyone needing an AK-47 w/100 clip, then they should be willing to pay for some of the consequences. This petition is to call them out to start a fund fo9r victims of such heinous crimes.