To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Nurse Practitioner Autonomy

California has approximately 17,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) across the state. However, all of them are required to have a written collaborative agreement with a physician. As the implementation of Obamacare looms in January 2014, NPs are one solution to provide primary care to the influx on new patients into the system. Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with additional schooling, education, and training. Nurse practitioners have nearly a 50 year history of providing high-quality, patient-centered and cost-effective care. Nurse practitioners can be found across all healthcare settings and write prescriptions, make diagnoses, manage chronic conditions, provide well-care and health promotional efforts.
NPs will continue to collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as needed. However, the requirement of the written collaborative agreement is a an unnecessary barrier to practice.

Why is this important?

Senate Bill 491 will go in front of the Senate Committee on Monday April 22, 2013. If the committee decides to pass it on, then it would go to a vote by the whole senate. I am currently required to have a collaborative agreement with a MD or DO. Obamacare, which is managed care for Medi-Cal recipients run by a private organization, will currently not allow me to contract with them. Therefore, my medi-cal patients will either have to pay out of pocket to see me or go elsewhere for their care. Please contact your state senator and ask them to vote YES on SB 491. The committee members are: Senator Curren Price, JR. (Chair), Senator Bill Emmerson (Vice-Chair), Senator Marty Block, Senator Ellen Corbett, Senator Cathleen Galgiani, Senator Ed Hernandez, Senator Jerry Hill, Senator Alex Padilla, Senator Mark Wyland and Senator Leland Y. Yee. Please contact any or all of these fine senators as well. Thank you.
