To: Nirav R. Shah, MD, MPH, NYS Commissioner of Health, Richard Gottfried (NY-75), Carmen Arroyo (NY-84), JosĂ© Rivera (NY-78), Kevin Thomas (NY-6), Liz Krueger (NY-28), Luis R. SepĂșlveda (NY-32), Jose Serrano (NY-29), Gustavo Rivera ...

Nutrition Matters - Reinstate Medicaid Coverage for Enteral Nutrition Support Products

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Many patients with HIV/AIDS suffer from weight loss and malnutrition and do not possess the means necessary to purchase adequate calories and protein.

With continued weight loss, individuals with HIV/AIDS will undoubtedly require more costly treatments and potential hospitalizations due to the removal of this benefit.

As a resident of NY State, I strongly urge you to amend the recently enacted NY State Medicaid Reform Bill to REINSTATE COVERAGE FOR ENTERAL SUPPORT PRODUCTS in adult patients with HIV/AIDS who are experiencing ongoing unintentional weight loss.

Why is this important?

Recently, NY State eliminated Medicaid coverage for nutrition support products (including Ensure, Boost, and K-PAX) for adults with HIV/AIDS experiencing weight loss.
