To: Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Father Thomas Byrnes (Regional Board)

NYC Arch Diocese: Explain Tuition Disparity for Saint Joseph School Kingston NY

The Arch Diocese has decreed that all schools in the Ulster, Orange, and Sullivan District raise tuition a nominal percentage across the board. The issue at hand is why after three consecutive years of increase, is Saint Joseph School made to pay roughly $260,000.00 more in total tuition than a school located in it's own City?

Why is this important?

I am signing this petition because I have simply had enough of being told what is going to happen without an explanation. The Arch Diocese has continually (sometimes with the assitance of local influence)tried to close Saint Joseph School. We as parents, and paying consumers, deserve an explanation as to why a school in the same demographic would have a significantly lower tuition, and why when we were told we'd all be at the same level, there continues to be a huge disparity.