To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

NYC Mayor tells NY Governor to attack School Bus Operators

Tell NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to stand up for the modest middle-class working school bus operators against NYC Mayor Bloomberg anti-union tactics.

Why is this important?

NYC Mayor Bloomberg has attacked the police and fire unions, mass transit union, public school teachers union and now the school bus unions. He told the governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo, to veto the very same job protection provision the mayor included in the contract he sent to the governor to sign. Why did the governor allow a mayor to tell him what to do? Now the mayor is claiming the protection is illegal and refuses to be involved in the labor dispute. The mayor wants to cut school bus runs so successful workers would be laid off every year, then recreate runs so bus companies could rehire the laid off workers as new drivers at beginner salaries, the protection prevents this sneaky deed. The NYC Council, NYC Comptroller, the police and transportation unions, sand parents of students are all against the the mayor's actions. We need to tell this governor to stand up against this malicious mayor and protect the modest middle class jobs in his state, which is the promised he made to New Yorkers when he ran for governor.