To: John Rhea, Chairman, NYCHA

NYCHA: Community Centers Belong to Residents!

We believe that Community Centers and Senior Centers within New York City public housing should be run and managed by the resident associations of that development. We call on NYCHA to negotiate a partnership agreement with resident associations including training and support so the associations have the capacity to manage their own Centers. Support resident empowerment under 964!

Why is this important?

The Federal "964" regulations state that resident associations should be given priority in potential partnerships with the housing authority. Yet, for decades, community centers and senior centers have been "awarded" to private nonprofits that often know nothing and care less about the public housing community. Resident associations are now ready to assume control over their own destiny and demand that NYCHA recognize their responsibility to effectively partners with resident associations by turning control of the community and senior centers to resident associations as soon as possible.
