To: Eric Holder, Attorney General

NYPD need Oversight and Accountability

No More Politics when in comes to the Oversight and Accountability of the NYPD regarding the Homicide of Eric Garner if it's a result of failed oversight and management of the NYPD. The officer who is identified using this illegal choke-hold should be suspended without pay immediately! We have lost too many lives!


Why is this important?

We cannot play political Hollywood shuffle when it comes to proper oversight and accountability of the NYPD now that the Medical Examiner’s office report is clear that Eric Garner's death was a result of the illegal choke-hold applied by the NYPD Officer — and ruled the death a homicide.

For the Mayor and the Commissioner to really understand the impact of NYPD's failed oversight of policies violators, they should meet with the families that have been affected by the actions of their officers who have violated the Policies and Procedures.

Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner Bratton have had closed door meetings with the NAACP and Al Sharpton without Black Law Enforcement organizations, Police Brutality Victim organizations or Police Oversight organizations.

For Commissioner Bratton to insist on using LAPD for guidance to retrain NYPD is insulting to say the least. LAPD continues to have a history of Police Criminality. This would be the case of the blind leading the blind.

This is why the only solution has been to retrain. Retraining is the usual politically correct answer when you fail to address the root cause of Police Criminality in your rank and file and management in your department.

Are we to believe that NYPD can retrain approximately 35,000 officers in an adequate amount of time? Retrain them in what? How many more use of force reviews shall we have?

In the Garner killing, the NYPD policy is clear "choke-holds will NOT be Used". The training and policies are not the problem of the NYPD.

The Homicide of Eric Garner if a result of failed oversight and management of the NYPD. The officer who is identified using this illegal choke-hold should be suspended without pay immediately!

The problem that Mayor de Blasio must be clear on addressing is the enforcement of the NYPD Policies and Training and holding those officers accountable who break those policies when their actions are in conflict with the training they have received.

Hold Police Management and Supervisors accountable for failing to supervise and correct officers under their command when officers violate NYPD Policy, Procedure and Training.

Police Behavior Modification is when police management are Accountable to Suspend, Dismiss and if necessary recommend Criminal Charges when officers violate Training, Policy and Procedure of their department.

Police Behavior Modification sends a clear message that there will be no tolerance for officers violating Policy, Procedure and Training that will put the lives of civilians, fellow officers and the credibility of the police department at risk.

Damon K. Jones
New York Representative
Blacks in Law Enforcement of America