To: Karen McMahon (NY-146) and Michael Ranzenhofer (NY-61)

"NYS, please stop this madness and stop taking money from public schools. End the (GEA) and resto...

In 2009 NYS faced a budget deficit which they decided to close using public school funds. They created the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) to pay for the shortfall, leaving our schools with no options but to make drastic cuts. Now in 2014 Governor Cuomo stated in his victory speech that NYS has a 4 billion dollar surplus. However, our schools are still suffering.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because I believe that the law makers that represent me need to know that what is happening to public schools is destroying our students' education. These young citizens deserve a fully funded education. We cannot give them the best possible experience if we are not supported by our government. It has to start with our local representatives. Please help!
