To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

NYS Synthetic Drug Legislation

New bipartisan Legislation is being drafted in the NYS Assembly to place hundreds of synthetic compounds on a Controlled Substance list for New York State, with punishments for dealers.

Why is this important?

Synthetic Drug Legislation is severely lacking in New York State, yet hundreds and thousands of our citizens are being negatively affected by these poisons! Deaths and severe disabilities are the results, along with harming friends/families and innocent bystanders and a rise in crime.

The new legislation is being drafted BIPARTISAN by NYS Assemblyman William Barclay who is working with New York City Assemblyman Rodriguez. Together a new bill will be drafted, making synthetic compounds a controlled substance ON ITS OWN and not linked with marijuana (which is absolutely different), with penalties for dealers.