To: President Donald Trump

Obama, Stop the Southern Leg of KXL

Dear Mr. President
I am appalled at the disingenuousness of your promising today’s young people not to condemn their generation to a future that is beyond repair while simultaneously issuing an executive order expediting the Southern Leg of the Keystone Project by allowing it to avoid proper public commentary and review by the federal EPA. This pipeline would deliver such massive amounts of the dirtiest oil on earth from the Athabasca tar sands across America, to be burned overseas, that it has aptly been described as a “fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on earth.” National Aeronautics and Space Administration Climate Scientist Jim Hansen, who’s predictions about climate change have consistently been proven right over the past three decades, has described the burning of the tar sands as and “game over for the climate.” I demand that you rescind the portion of executive order 13604 that allows tar sands pipelines to avoid proper environmental review and public commentary and that you do all else that is in your power to stop this disastrous pipeline from going into operation.

Why is this important?

Contrary to what you may have heard, part of the Keystone XL pipeline is very close to going into operation. The Southern Leg of the Keystone Project, which Barack Obama has not only neglected to stop, but has signed an executive order to expedite, is only months from going into operation. When it does, it will commence its 700,000-850,000 oil-barrel-per-day assault on the climate even without the northern Keystone XL Pipeline being completed. Tell Obama not to let climate disasters like this happen on his watch.