To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Obamacare or the country

stop arguing over Obamacare 33+ times. come up with some sort of plan to jump start the economy and get America growing again.

Why is this important?

why are you wasting time appealing and arguing over Obamacare 33 times? your focus as members of congress should be this country and what it needs. I realize Obamacare has its faults but it's not the focus point. The focus point you should be working on is how to create more jobs and jump start the economy again. Under former president Clinton this economy was the closest its been to the positive. that is what we need not arguing over a law that was passed through congress and signed by president Obama over 2 years ago. We the people of the United States of America want jobs and economic growth not bickering in congress.
