To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Obesity Tax

A tax would be created and applied to any obese American reflected in their healthcare costs.

Why is this important?

Instead of regulating soda sizes we should attack this obesity epidemic at the source. The truth is people do not become obese by just drinking a lot of soda but rather by making multiple poor choices in their health. Now what I'm proposing would only affect obese people. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. So I propose a healthcare tax on anyone who is obese. An obese individual would pay an additional fee on their health care costs until they reduced their BMI. Furthermore any parent with children who are obese would have additional costs added as well. Obesity is not a right as an American. It should be treated as a privilege. Now no one should be obese but if an individual chooses to be obese they should accept the consequences of it. A tobacco smoker pays more for their healthcare costs because they choose to make poor health choices. Someone who chooses to eat super large sodas and fatty foods regularly should have the same conditions enacted on them.
