To: Michelle Steel, Todd Spitzer, Lisa A. Bartlett, Andrew Do, and Shawn Nelson

OC Board of Supervisors: Decriminalize and Stop Displacing Involuntarily Homeless Residents of Sk...

We the undersigned strongly urge Orange County to immediately stop construction on the riverbed in Orange and provide the residents of Skid River the basic necessities that they are currently being denied.

Why is this important?

The county has a responsibility towards the inhabitants of the riverbed that is not being fulfilled. Like other Orange County residents, they are entitled to shelter, waste disposal, and sanitation services. The county’s refusal to provide these services worsens the quality of life for both the Skid River encampment and neighboring residents.

The county is wasting money enforcing camping ordinances. Criminalizing homelessness diverts funding that could be better spent on housing. Furthermore, there are only 1500 shelter beds in the county for 4500 homeless individuals. The courtyard in Santa Ana has no room for the number of people living on the riverbed. The reality is that breaking up the encampments when there is no viable living alternative will only relocate homeless individuals to more visible and populated areas.

Therefore we demand the county to allow the residents of the riverbed to remain in place and provide them with waste disposal and sanitation services until there is a feasible alternative.
