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To: Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Occupy APPLE

Dear Tim Cook,

It is time to bring jobs home from China. You might feel there are good reasons to keep jobs there. However we as users and stockholders of Apple products don't agree anymore.

Your stock prices are higher than they have ever been and this is at the expense of paying less for manufacturing in China vs producing your products in America.

We need you to take this seriously. We the people matter. So do our families. We need jobs at home and products that are made responsibly.

Why is this important?

Apple stock is the highest it has ever been. At the same time workers in China work in the worst conditions and suicide is becoming a common practice for workers with no life. It is time for Apple users and Apple stock holders to speak OUT. Let Apple know you want them to bring jobs home where workers are protected. Apple brings over 7000 jobs to China. We need those jobs home. Time for Apple to be loyal to the country that started their business.



2020-04-08 12:14:58 -0400

25 signatures reached