To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Off The Cliff

Allow the Bush Tax Cuts to expire at the end of 2012 and let us go "Off The Cliff" so that the taxes for the middle class can be cut in early 2013 while leaving taxes alone for the 1% of the super wealthy.

Why is this important?

The petition is about allowing the Bush Tax Cuts expire at the end of the year and let the government "Go Off The Cliff." By doing that all the Bush cuts will end including the cuts for the 1% of extremely wealthy Americans. Then when the congress again brings up cutting the taxes for the 99% at the beginning of 2013 it will not be a raising of taxes and will render Grover Norquists 'contract to never raise taxes' null and void thus releasing Republicans who signed it from that obligation. "Off the Cliff" would actually only be a small bump in the road.
