To: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-1) and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA-2)
Off the Cliff Campaign
You have my full support for you taking the bold step for the OFF THE CLIFF CAMPAIGN. Get your bumper stickers and pins NOW. Let's do this TOGETHER!!!
Why is this important?
See Lawrence O'Donnell's "Last Word" segment that aired last night (July 18). Get ready to support the "Off the Cliff" Campaign. It has growing support from even the veteran Repubs! Can you believe it? Finally COMPROMISE!
Contact your Democratic congressperson and senator now. Let them know that you support this initiative and willing to take their hand and GO "OFF THE CLIFF" WITH THEM!!!
Contact your Democratic congressperson and senator now. Let them know that you support this initiative and willing to take their hand and GO "OFF THE CLIFF" WITH THEM!!!