To: EEOC of NY and Civil Rights Bureau of NY

Office of the Attorney General: Remove the Diversity Questionnaire from online job applications

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate is currently at 5.9% but they fail to account for those who are not receiving unemployment or have given up on the job search because it is too time consuming and employers fail to respond once a candidate discloses their "Race."

If an employer is looking to hire people for its company, race should not be a factor at all! They should be looking solely at the individuals experience, skills and credentials, if applicable. If Affirmative action is reason behind such a questionnaire, it can be filled out once the hiring process has been completed.

Many of the online complaints from those looking for work have things in common, “I feel that placing my race information in the “race box” has something to do with my not getting a call back for an interview.” “I have applied for several positions that I am clearly qualified for but have gotten no responses.” “I switched my race information to see what would happen, and the phones started ringing off the hook from employers.” It states that it is “optional,” however, mostly candidates of color are being affected.

According to FreeAdvice Staff, “Generally, questions should not be asked about gender, race, religion, and national origin, either on employment applications or during job interviews.”

Why is this important?

I do not believe that the “Diversity Questionnaire” is separated from the job application itself. When we disclose our "Race," it is then used against us, therefore not giving us a fair chance to have an interview with the employer. Let’s stop employers from using race to discriminate against people of color. Please demonstrate your concern about race discrimination by signing this petition today!
