To: Jay Waldron, L&C Board of Trustees Member, Heidi Hu, L&C Board of Trustees Member, Amber Case, L&C Board of Trustees Member, and Paula Hayes, L&C Board of Trustees Member

Office of the President: A Vote of No Confidence on Behalf of the L&C Community

Barry Glassner and other members of the college leadership have demonstrated a lack of willingness or ability to effectively provide for the safety and well-bring of the students and employees of color on the Lewis & Clark campus.

Why is this important?

For the past three years, there have been racist attacks on students of color immediately following the Ray Warren Symposium for Race and Ethnic Studies. Each time, students have organized, and requested that the administration take proactive steps to change the culture of racism on campus. The President's office has sent a letter to the community each year, but has not taken concrete steps to concretely address the attacks or the culture of racism on campus. This lack of commitment borders on neglect, and is hazardous to the health and well-bring of the L&C community.
