To: The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, and Governor Kevin Stitt

Oklahoma : Save the lives of people suffering needlessly by immediately establishing a fair medic...

The United States government has a patent on cannabis as a cure for cancer and dementia and other neurological diseases.
In 1974 a groundbreaking study proved THC killed cancer cells.

In Canada Rick Simpson found this information and healed himself of skin cancer through the production of high quality cannabis oil. He then gave that oil to everyone who wanted it free of charge resulting in thousands of people being healed of cancer and other serious and life-threatening conditions.

It is estimated by those who work with cannabis oil and have healed many patients that only one cannabis plant is needed to produce enough oil to heal a patient completely of the entire disease itself.

Any-way a person looks at it, compassion and love are superior to putting people in prison for a plant substantially safer than tobacco and alcohol.

This plant is not addictive, but propaganda departments have created lies about it through worst-case scenarios, exaggeration, and outright lying in order to make the best of a lucrative black market system. When alcohol prohibition ended prohibitionists in power needed to remain in power and so cannabis became a scapegoat.

There are hundreds of conditions cannabis completely treats and sometimes fully heals. including but not limited to depression, mental illness, alcoholism, cancer, diabetes, gout, glaucoma, and more.

The united states of america is supposed to be a free country and by forcing people who are benefiting themselves and their families into prison just for doing something simpler and safer than having a beer, is not only cruel and unusual punishment, wherein no injured party exists but those persecuted by the government, it is also a violation of freedom of religion, as millions of Americans are brought into communion with God through the use of this herb which the Bible states we have a right to use for any reason we see fit, as well as all herbs.

Having a medical marijuana program is the right thing to do. Opiates are far more deadly, are completely legal, and are used recreationally with sometimes catastrophic results. Cannabis is not just safer, and it is not just a pain killer, it is a non-addictive non-toxic anti-oxidant whose essential oil can profoundly save the lives of people otherwise totally incapacitated with pain. The result of opiates is more pain and an addiction, the result of cannabis is a profoundly increased life, including sometimes total cures of various conditions!

Even being able to go to sleep at night due to using a safe and healthy herbal vaporizer makes cannabis far safer than drugs such as ambien, also used recreationally, dangerous, and fully legal,and when no injured party exists the crime is the law-maker who seeks only revenue in exchange for ruining the lives of the harmless.

By creating a robust and kind medical marijuana program enabling patients of any ailment a doctor sees fit without exception, even common ailments such as anxiety or depression or headaches, this drug will be taken out of the hands of gangs and the black market and put into the hands of people who legitimately care about the well-being of others, profoundly reducing crime.

Care must be taken to make sure any laws regarding cannabis and driving are completely fair. There is a percentage threshold of THC saturation that increases driving performance just the same as caffeine has a similar result in improving driving We must not create stealth laws to generate ambushes of non-intoxicated people, persecuting them and finding them guilty, as the state of Washington's current laws are capable of doing. The people to involve in the creation of this law are doctors and patients--anything can be defined as a crime, but that does not make it so. Common sense saves far more lives!

Finally, though cannabis is a bronchial dilator and recent studies have shown its smoke helps the lungs cleanse themselves of tumors and other pollutants, vaporizer technologies exist which are completely harmless as well, so the argument is not about smoking it is about the full spectrum use of the plant.

People can also juice the raw fresh plant each day to get the medicinal benefits also. This brings up the necessity of self-production of the plant. Botany is a basic human right. Further from that not all could afford to pay the amounts needed to produce high quality life saving cannabis oil, and would need to be allowed to grow a bountiful amount for their personal use. Those who juice the plant do not experience any state of high but the medicines in it still benefit the body in many ways, and they are in need of compassionate rather than hateful legislation that enables them to get better and enjoy a life of health.

The state of Oklahoma once sentence...

Why is this important?

Cannabis is a medicine. In contrast to opiates which can be overdosed upon, create many dead bodies and break apart families due to their addictive qualities, cannabis is an angel of kindness.

Everyone deserves relief from disease yet cannabis can completely heal many illnesses even cancer and the studies have been done since the 70s proving this. THC is a medically verified anti-cancer medicine that kills tumors while creating new healthy cells to grow again. All one must do to heal is eat the oils each day, for inhalation is not effective for curing serious ailments.
