To: Oklahoma State Regents

Oklahoma Universities required to provide SafeRide program and save their student’s lives.

Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education require all universities in Oklahoma to provide a safe, free, non-judgmental ride for their students to save their student’s and community member’s lives.

Why is this important?

According to, on average in America, nearly 12,000 people die every year in DUI-related accidents, and 900,000 are arrested each year for DUI/DWI.  In 2012, there were 4,291 alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes in Oklahoma, which represents 6.1% of the total reported crashes.  Among these alcohol-related crashes, there were 261 fatalities, which is a 7% increase from 2011, as well as 2,892 persons injured in these crashes.  Although these are broad numbers, they are still the facts of the dangers of drunk driving.  To narrow this down and make it a little more specific and relevant to who our petition is targeting, we will provide you with a few more numbers: 56 of these fatalities were persons between the ages of 16 and 25, and 44 of those 56 fatalities were intoxicated drivers.  Derived from the total number of crashes, 1,303 were caused by intoxicated drivers within this 16-25 year age range.  In the grand scheme of things, these numbers are fairly high for this age range.
The facts are all here.  Accidents, injuries, and casualties do occur because of drunk driving.  This issue is a concern for the students, the university, and the community and something should be done to alleviate this problem as soon as possible.  By starting this petition out locally, we are hoping to have the support of the student body and the community, then branch out and have the support of the state, and maybe even eventually, the support of the nation.
