To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate


We the people of the United States are dedicated to the preservation of our government and constitution. We understand that the government is not the problem but the elected officials who spend time and money getting re-elected, NOT doing the peoples business, therefore we vow to re-elect no one. We want to clear ‘em out and start fresh every election cycle until the government becomes functional and carries out the will of the people. We as Independents, Democrats and Republicans all unanimously re-elect no one!

Why is this important?

To have members of the House of Representatives and Senate limited to one term. This would break the machinery of election corruption, limit lobbyist relationships’ with elected officials, keep our government and democracy intact, and clear the way for new policies versus the current log jammed political process. Put the politicians to work for the people not themselves! Put the people's will first, NOT the politicians!