To: Kate Murray, Town of Hempstead Supervisor and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Open ALL Hempstead Villiage Parks All DAY LONG

I am a single mother of two small children who enjoy going outside during the day. I have a yard, but there is no jungle gym in it. I am currently unemployed and do not qualify for the DSS voucher assistance program for Day Care. The local public Pre-K is only in session for 2 to 3 hours for my daugher. I have made serveral attempts this summer to walk with my children to the park for playtime, but each time I find the gate to be locked. Many people get into the park by going through a hole in the gate which is ridiculous. I do not feel that this is just and I have called the Parks Department on many occasions. I have even gone as far as to contact the Mayor's office and the explanations I received were, "There are not enough workers to tend to the parks during the day" and "The parks open after 4pm on certain days of the week." They assured me that I would receive a schedule of the parks openings and I have yet to get anything from them. I understand that children are in school and day care centers have their own play areas, but what about the stay-at-home parents or babysitters? Where are we suppose to spend time with our children on warm weather days? All public parks should be accessible to the neighboring community on warm weather days!

Why is this important?

Lincoln Park on South Franklin Street in Hempstead NY is always closed during the day. This parks should be accessible to everyone during warm weather days NO ACCEPTIONS.
