25 signatures reached
To: Senator Tim Scott
Open and Fair Trial
We the people, your constituents, ask for you to honor your oath of office to protect our Democracy and the Constitution of the United States by preserving the rule of law by supporting a fair and open impeachment trial with witnesses and the documents the White house has refused to release.
Why is this important?
Our Democracy is under threat by a lawless and dangerous president.
Americans deserve to watch a trial in the Senate so that everyone in the country has the same set of facts on whether President Trump has undermined the Constitution.
The Senator is responsible to us; not the president. We believe that you agree that the President is dangerous and unfit for office, but you might fail to act for political reasons rather than to act to preserve this great nation's Democracy.
Your vote, your voice ways heavily on our future as Americans. Vote wisely. Vote with courage.
Americans deserve to watch a trial in the Senate so that everyone in the country has the same set of facts on whether President Trump has undermined the Constitution.
The Senator is responsible to us; not the president. We believe that you agree that the President is dangerous and unfit for office, but you might fail to act for political reasons rather than to act to preserve this great nation's Democracy.
Your vote, your voice ways heavily on our future as Americans. Vote wisely. Vote with courage.