To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Open Letter to President Obama

Protect US in the United States of America.

Stop Governor Rick Snyder from underhandedly eroding the strength of the vote by ignoring the Michigan Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Why is this important?

President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington D.C

Dear President Obama,

I hope this letter of concerns find you in good health.

I am doing my very best to continue supporting you. I trust you leadership, but I am very concerned about the problems Michigan residents especially those in the Black communities are experiencing ever since Mr. Rick Snyder became Governor. He has eroded and disrespected democracy in Michigan by ignoring the United States and Michigan Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

We need your intervention now! We need you NOW!

Many feel abandoned by you, our President. I am doing all I can to give you support and speak up for our historical president but when we don’t hear or see you speaking up against anyone, especially any top official such as a governor, who is disrespecting and attempting to, and in some cases, reverse our voting rights, that is a major problem that can’t be defended. Please speak up and against these types of actions.

So many voters have opted out of the voting process. Why? Because it seems as though our votes are being railroaded and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is being ignored as displayed shortly after a majority vote on November 6, 2012 repealing PA 4 of 2011 also known as the Emergency Manager Law. The governor signed into law before January 2013, another version of the EM bill (PA 436) during lame duck session in which it was written to not be able to be repealed. This bill was already written and ready for the governor’s signature had Proposal 1 been approved and it was…with a “NO” vote.

Even prior to this vote, over 300,000 signatures were easily obtained for the purpose of having this proposal placed on the November 2012 ballot and the Republican party did all it could to not have this initiative placed on the ballot by claiming that the “font” was inaccurate. That trick didn’t work so the only resolve Governor Snyder chose was to ignore the vote by signing into law, House Bill PA 436 another form of taking over and away our right to vote, be it wrong or right, on December 27, 2012.

Please respond.

Sincerely Yours,

Cynthia A. Johnson
Registered Detroit, MI voter
