To: Governor David Ige, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Opioid cuts killing legit documented need chronic pain suffering patients
There must be exemptions for higher total for legitimately documented patients with proof that require higher milligram opioid scripts than these cut allow so we can survive. This rule made by Trump and his poisonous pen is short sighted. And stop plan to cut off Medicare patients all together.
Why is this important?
President Tumps poison pen has made a "Proclamation", not a legal congressional bill in an uninformed attempt to stop the horrible opioid overdoses, but "One size doesnt fit" everybody. BUT Chronic long term patients need some solution and quality of life now! I can tell you that some of these patients will turn to heroin and OD. The could mix it with cheap fentanyl (dumped in our country by China) and more OD's. The suicide rate will increase 10 fold because we're accused of being 'addicts' and restricted by Trumps poison pen. When did the rule change that doctors (especially pain mgmt drs) can't write proper scripts based on the individual patients needs?? What happened to the Doctors oath that they treat their patients with compassion and proper medications?
Write the congress, your governor and even Trump and tell them you agree with me. There IS talk in Congress, organizations, the American Mddical Assn. and others that agree about changing the maximum milligram total of 90mg per day of the MME (morphine milligram equivalent ), go the proper chdonic pain suffers like us, with legitimate documented reasons. We, to be louder and actually make things r ight. DO something, not raising the MME from 90 to 120. The MME needs to be 200+ monthlg, without Medicare limits if required. The rule says to put those of us disabled patients in A group, then cut funding to insurance companies and stop paying the insurance from discriminating against us now. We've been boxed into a corner under this plan.
We need help NOW !!! NOT a month or even longer and longer. We are under attack so are you ready to fight for your rights? Pass the word and sign this petition and Google our support groups. The longer we don't get this reversed, the worse it's going to get. STOP TRUMP AND HIS ILL INFORMED RULE and his poisonous pen. Seek out these groups and organizations and support them immediately. My med (have been cut by 2/3rd and I can't survive like this. No quality of life makes us react, but it has to go back the way it was. If you won't stand up, be loud and fight for YOURSELF, you'll likely end up overdosing on heroin and become addicted and possibly OD. You're worth more than that. We must make our voices loud and clear: Give us legit chronic pain sufferers the proper amounts of the medications we need, just to survive and return the freedom of trained pain specialists back to them. THEY Know their patients and their needs, not and not the prick in the W.H. DON'T WAIT.. ACT FOR YOURSELF. Nobody's gonna do it for you.
Write the congress, your governor and even Trump and tell them you agree with me. There IS talk in Congress, organizations, the American Mddical Assn. and others that agree about changing the maximum milligram total of 90mg per day of the MME (morphine milligram equivalent ), go the proper chdonic pain suffers like us, with legitimate documented reasons. We, to be louder and actually make things r ight. DO something, not raising the MME from 90 to 120. The MME needs to be 200+ monthlg, without Medicare limits if required. The rule says to put those of us disabled patients in A group, then cut funding to insurance companies and stop paying the insurance from discriminating against us now. We've been boxed into a corner under this plan.
We need help NOW !!! NOT a month or even longer and longer. We are under attack so are you ready to fight for your rights? Pass the word and sign this petition and Google our support groups. The longer we don't get this reversed, the worse it's going to get. STOP TRUMP AND HIS ILL INFORMED RULE and his poisonous pen. Seek out these groups and organizations and support them immediately. My med (have been cut by 2/3rd and I can't survive like this. No quality of life makes us react, but it has to go back the way it was. If you won't stand up, be loud and fight for YOURSELF, you'll likely end up overdosing on heroin and become addicted and possibly OD. You're worth more than that. We must make our voices loud and clear: Give us legit chronic pain sufferers the proper amounts of the medications we need, just to survive and return the freedom of trained pain specialists back to them. THEY Know their patients and their needs, not and not the prick in the W.H. DON'T WAIT.. ACT FOR YOURSELF. Nobody's gonna do it for you.