To: The Honorable John F. Kelly, United States Secretary of Homeland Security and Thomas D. Homan, Acting Director
Oppose 287(g) in Knox County
Stop the implementation of this disastrous immigration enforcement program in our county! Sign this petition to Secretary Kelly and ICE's Acting Director Homan to deny Knox County Sheriff's Office's 287(g) application.
Why is this important?
287(g) is an immigration enforcement program that deputizes local law enforcement to act as immigration officials. Research shows that 287(g) erodes community trust in local police and sheriff's offices, drains local resources, and separates families. It, also, leads to significant increase in civil rights violations and racial profiling. Knox County in particular with its already long history of civil rights violations, racial profiling, and jail overcrowding, would be a terrible candidate for such a program. Thus, Knox County Sheriff's Office's Application for 287(g) should be opposed.
Sign this petition and TIRRC's letter to Secretary Kelly and Acting Director Homan to deny Knox County's 287(g) application.
Sign this petition and TIRRC's letter to Secretary Kelly and Acting Director Homan to deny Knox County's 287(g) application.