To: Senator Jon Courtney, The Maine State House, The Maine State Senate, and Governor Janet Mills

Oppose Maine State Legislature Resolution Supporting the Keystone XL Pipeline

Oppose the Resolution Supporting the Keystone XL Pipeline

1. The people have spoken - repeatedly - in opposition to the pipeline.

2. Tar sands oil and its acquisition, production, transportation, and usage is one of the dirtiest fossil fuels on the planet - and incredibly damaging to Our Environment.

3. We need to move forward in support of environmentally-supportive energy choices - not the incredibly destructive fossil fuels that have caused far too much damage to Our Environment.

4. The suggestion that the pipeline would create any substantial number of jobs has been refuted, and there would be none created in Maine with the Keystone XL pipeline.

5. Maine legislators should be focused on improving Maine's economy and environment. With only a few weeks left in this session and huge state issues to resolve, why are they wasting time on matters outside their realm?


Why is this important?

State Senator Jonathan Courtney (R-York County), Majority Leader in the Maine Legislature, has identified his intent to introduce a “Joint Resolution Memorializing the President & the Congress of the United States to Support the Completion of the Keystone XL Pipeline”.

This resolution needs to be opposed in both the Senate and the House of the Maine State Legislature for the reasons identified.




3. look around...


5.; see "EXCLUSIVE: Maine legislators to take up Keystone oil pipeline issue"

see photos: