To: The Maine State House, The Maine State Senate, and Governor Janet Mills

Oppose Mountain Top Removal in Maine

I fully oppose destructive mountaintop removal and open pit mining in the state of Maine. I support a full repeal of LD 1853—and insist on passage of LD 1059.

Why is this important?

Ensure the passage of LD 1059, "An Act To Protect Maine's Environment and Natural Resources Jeopardized by Mining."

In the spring of 2012, LD 1853 was passed in Maine, legalizing mountaintop removal via open pit mining.

LD 1059, which was considered by the Environment and Natural Resources Committee on April 29 and will be voted on in the next few weeks, is sponsored by Representative Ben Chipman of Portland. It will result in a full repeal of LD 1853.

The protection of our natural resources and health requires passage of LD 1059.

For further information, see