To: Robert Rivas (CA-30), Brian Dahle (CA-1), Franklin Bigelow (CA-5), Ken Cooley (CA-8), Marc Levine (CA-10), Jim Frazier (CA-11), Susan Eggman (CA-13), Rob Bonta (CA-18), Philip Ting (CA-19), Bill Quirk (CA-20), Adam C. Gray (CA...

Oppose SB 649: Stop the extreme expansion of cell towers on every block in California

We oppose SB 649. Stop the gross expansion of cell towers and antennas on most every street in California, and stop corporate interests from overriding local governance and taking away citizen rights and legal recourse.

Why is this important?

Will you join me, the Mayor of San Jose and 270 Cities in California in opposing SB 649?

If you don’t want cell phone antennas right outside your bedroom window, take action now!

SB 649 passed out of the House and was sent back to the Senate for a final vote on the amended version. Since SB 649 also passed out of the Senate, it will now go to Governor Brown for signing. Letters, emails and calls should pour into Governor Jerry Brown's Office within the next few days. We must act NOW to stop this attack on our rights, privacy and health!

Most utility poles will become cell towers under Senate Bill 649 and result in 4g/5g antennas lining every block leaving the public with no legal recourse from “micro-wireless” to “small cells” and “macro towers.” The public has not agreed to cell towers in their front yard. Real estate values will significantly decline near base stations and antennas. While firefighter premises are exempt from antennas, the health risks for the rest of us, including animals and the ecosystem is being jeopardized with SB. 649. The FCC is streamlining 5G deployment before completing investigation on health effects. Safety limits have not been updated since the 1990s. Their guidelines were derived from industry, and there is no policing or compliance testing of cell towers.

You also need to know that SB 649 shifts liability from the telecommunication industry to the State of California, with the potential of bankrupting the state and requiring bailout from the tax payers. The bill also would place antenna every five houses, leaving the public vulnerable to privacy and security risks. The bill "forgets" that industry still has not fulfilled a prior agreement to install a high speed fiber-optic network (already paid through our phone bills) to all including the underserved.

To find out more information about small cells, mini cell towers, wireless facilities and health, letters from the experts on the risk of 5g and asking Governor Brown to veto SB 649:
