To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Oppose The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012

A petition has been started to support such an Act of Congress.

This petition directly opposes that petition. No one is responsible for repaying their student loan debt except the individual who borrowed the money in the first place. If they can't, there are legal ways for the federal government and banks to pursue getting the money if they chose to.

Before anyone attends college they need to consider the costs. They also need to consider whether or not the degree received justifies that cost. If a degree will not provide an income great enough to support oneself and repay the loans, the degree is not worth having. While everyone should try to follow their dream, not all dreams are created equal.

The American people should not be held liable for the bad choices of others. Or even the unfortunate situation of others. It is not the federal government's job to bail out anyone and everyone who gets into trouble. Nor do they have the constitutional authority to do this.

Finally the United States is already broke. There is no budget to forgive hundreds of billions of dollars in student loans. Even if there was, again the government doesn't have the authority to do it. Individuals were loaned money for a service. The contract signed mandates repayment.

Why is this important?

A college education is a service, not a right. No one should pay for it except those who chose to borrow the money in the first place.