To: Jennifer K Wells, Senior Planner, Sharon Gretch, Lexcom Development Representative, Mike and Betty Crossman, Property owners, and Verizon Wireless

Oppose the Verizon Mahan cell tower at NW Connell Ave Hillsboro

Verizon has filed for a Conditional Use Permit to build a 74 ft cell tower in the middle of our neighborhood. We oppose this for the following reasons:
1) It will have very NEGATIVE and IMMEDIATE affect on our current property values.
2) The proposed site is located in the middle of our neighborhood, which is zoned R7 (Residential). A cell tower would be an eyesore right next to the road and is not suited for installation in a residential neighborhood.
3) The proposed site is located on the edge of Glencoe Swale Habitat, which would have an adverse affect on the wildlife.
4) There are currently three Verizon cell towers already located within 1-3 miles of the proposed location that could be modified/upgraded.

Why is this important?

The proposed site is right next to the road and would destroy our pristine views. The tower is not needed and needs to be STOPPED!