To: Dr. David Rudd, UofM President, Dr. Tracy Hall, SWCC President, and Dr. Steve J. Schwab, UTHSC Chancellor

Opt out of outsourcing at University of Memphis, Southwest Community College, and UT Health Scien...

By signing the petition below, tell UofM President David Rudd, Southwest Community College President Tracy Hall, and UT Health Science Center Chancellor Steve J. Schwab that you oppose Governor Bill Haslam’s plan to outsource state jobs. Outsourcing will lead to the poor treatment of campus workers, the elimination of crucial campus services, and insubstantial cost savings. UofM, SWCC, and UTHSC should opt out of this plan.

Why is this important?

Campus workers in Tennessee are under attack. Governor Bill Haslam's Administration has quietly launched a scheme to outsource facilities management for every public building in the state, including colleges and state universities!

The plan impacts prisons, state parks and National Guard armories, too, which adds up to roughly 10,000 working people! The pay and benefits of these workers, including custodians, landscapers, electricians, and maintenance staff, would be threatened in order to "reduce operating costs." In the past, outsourcing has proven to be detrimental to working conditions and to the quality of service provided, and has not been proven to be a worthwhile investment of Tennesseans’ hard-earned tax dollars.

Governor Haslam has stated that individual schools, including UofM, SWCC, and UTHSC, will have the opportunity to "opt out" of this outsourcing plan this spring semester. President David Rudd of the University of Memphis has promised the UofM will opt out. However, we need him to say that publicly, and President Tracy Hall of SWCC, and Chancellor Steve J. Schwab of UTHSC must speak up as well. We also call on the University of Memphis Board of Trustees to take a stand against the outsourcing.

Over the last year and a half, thousands have protested, spoken out, called-in, written columns, and passed student and faculty resolutions in opposition to privatization, but Governor Haslam continues to move ahead with this unpopular plan. As students, faculty, alumni, staff, and concerned citizens, we care about what happens to our campus workers.
With this petition, we appeal directly to each head of their institution to listen to what the university and greater Memphis community is saying: NO OUTSOURCING!

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