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To: President Biden and Vice President Harris

Order a Stop to the Cutting and Road Building in Tongass National Forest

Donald Trump recently allowed logging roads to be built into Tongass National Forest in Juneau, Alaska. The American people have voted Trump out and want this destruction stopped immediately. Please listen to the 96% of Americans who commented to the Forest Service and reinstate the roadless rule.

Why is this important?

Forested lands are the lungs of the Earth! They also act as carbon sinks, valuable not only to biodiversity, but to help combat global warming. According to Wikkipedia, the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska is the largest national forest in the United States at 16.7 million acres. Most of its area is temperate rain forest, and is remote enough to be home to many species of endangered and rare flora and fauna. Save it, Joe!

How it will be delivered

E mail and social media



2021-07-17 10:27:13 -0400

VICTORY! Thanks for helping out with this one, it's a huge win for the OLD GROWTH.

2021-01-27 16:50:43 -0500

100 signatures reached

2020-11-15 21:34:50 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-11-11 12:21:03 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-11-09 21:27:02 -0500

10 signatures reached