To: Probate Court judge in Berkeley , CA, JUDGE

Order for full accounting from Trustee and rightful compensation to irrevocable beneficiaries

As a legitimate successor trustee and irrevocable beneficiary of the Ollie T. Wilson and Thelma G. Wilson Revocable living Trust dated Oct. 2002, I, Deborah Q. Washington am respectfully requesting on behalf of the other nine beneficiaries and myself that the the Probate Court order Verla Lofton-Sherman give an honest and full accounting of all transactions with receipts for the safety and care of Thelma G. Wilson and her living expenses as well as make sure that Ollie T. Wilson's (10) IRREVOCABLE BENEFICIARIES are rightfully compensated their 50% share of the remaining Trust assets after our Aunt Thelma died in June 2013. . We have strong reason to believe, and our Claim is that Verla Breached her fiduciary duties to the grantors. As one of the Trustees, She has breached her duty to keep accurate records/receipts and to inform the beneficiaries, and she has abused/over-stepped her power of attorney. She has breached her duty of loyalty to all the beneficiaries. We believe that our vulnerable Aunt Thelma who suffered elderly abuse under undue influence when 91 years of age in 2005 by one of her cousins (Betty Q. Williams) may be the victim of elderly financial abuse once again by another of her cousins who took over our aunt's immediately after the other got clean away with this crime. We do not want this to go unnoticed this time. Verla perhaps feel she will get away with it too just like Betty Williams did. We the beneficiaries requested an accounting fro Verla 7/8/14. What she sent us Nov. 3, 2014 for an accounting is a sham. There is nothing to show for last and most recent accounting periods. No proof of power of attorney etc. The only receipts we see are currently from her lawyer using Trust funds too pay her. We had absolutely nothing to do with her hiring that lawyer. Verla has not provided us a full accounting for one reason after another. She has mismanaged, converted, and done a lot of "self-dealing" for her and her family. She is not a Trustte of and has no legal authority to the assets transferred into Ollie T. Wilson's separate Trust1A,but some way she has gotten access through her lawyer, Diana Redding and is paying her personal bills that she has made and took $20,000 to herself before seeing to it that all of the beneficiaries receive their rightful share of the proceeds impartially. Because i am a legally blind elder with a limited income, i have consulted with other attorneys, but not been able to retain the needed legal assistance to get this done properly and expediently. Believe me, despite all the challenges and delays, I am determined to try my very best to make sure my Uncle and Aunt's original wishes/intentions for their Estate is carried out the way that they wanted. We tried to work cooperatively with Verla and trust her Lawyer, Diana Redding's integrity as an Officer of the court to no avail. We feel because they know that we have no legal representation we are being taken advantage of.

Why is this important?

We are petitioniong the Probate Court to order an honest and full accounting from a successor Trustee, Verla Lofton-Sherman. Our claim is that Verla Lofton-Sherman has breached her fiduciary duty to both grantors, she has not kept accurate records/receipts of transactions made in care of one of the grantors or other expenses paid with trust funds, breached duty of loyalty to irrevocable beneficiaries, and violated Power of Attorney "self-dealing/converting real properties in her name and her son's name". Myself, Deborah Q. Washington, and Ollie T. Wilson's other nine irrevocable beneficiaries have not received an honest and full accounting from Verla lofton-Sherman, nor received our rightful 50% share of remaining assets of Ollie T. Wilson and Thelma G. Wilson's Revocable Living Trust impartially. We also do not want anyone else to get away with committing elderly financial abuse to our Aunt Thelma Wilson for the second time without being penalized.