To: Penn State University

Order of Omega supports Greek Councils in their fight against State Patty's Day

We, the members of Penn State Order of Omega Epsilon Psi Chapter, as the 
representation of the upperclassmen leadership of the Greek Community support all Greek Councils in their decisions regarding social policies on State Patty’s Day. We encourage all progressive and proactive measures in both the Greek and Penn State communities toward renewing and strengthening the integrity and pride that has been a tradition at this university. As members of Penn State’s Greek Fraternities and Sororities, we urge our members, our brothers, and our sisters to not only abstain from social functions on State Patty’s Day but also to come together and support our Presidents and Executive Councils as they take action to address the reputation of our university and community. We encourage all other organizations and students to sign their support below.

Why is this important?

Our Executive Councils and Leadership have come under scrutiny from those in support of State Patty's Day. They did not make this decision on their own. They are not alone. We support their efforts.
