To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Oregon Legislators, Fund Our Schools!

Legislators are scheduled to vote as early as Tuesday, March 17, on an education budget that is $600 Million short of what our children need. We say no more cuts! Fund education and fix the revenue problem!

Sign, and join other signers on April 3 to deliver petitions to the Governor and legislators. Sign and share widely for the schools Oregon students deserve!

Why is this important?

Parent Eric Neiwert's call to action on Facebook: Oregon parents and other interested parties. I need you to make your voices heard. This past week the Oregon legislature announced a K12 budget that is $600 Million short of what is recommended by educators statewide. What is clear is that this budget will result in cuts to school districts across the state. In my children's district, Gresham-Barlow School District, this will result in a $5 million cut. This means either a 10 day reduction in each of the next two years or 45 additional staff will be cut. This is after sustaining cuts over six years leaving us with bare bones programs that shortchange our students.