To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Oregon PERS: Support Reasonable Changes

The PERS uncontrolled cost increases are damaging local government and service district’s financial base and will over future years start to cripple their ability to serve residents and tax payers.

Call your Oregon State Senators and Representatives and ask them pass SB 754.

Why is this important?

Citizens - demand your Oregon representatives to fully support to SB 754, PERS reform. SB 754 proposes reasonable changes to PERS and our legislators should fully support the passage of the legislation.

SB 754 begins by limiting Cost Of Living Adjustments (COLA’s) to the first $2,000 of monthly retirement benefit payments.

SB 754 reforms the common practice known as “spiking,” which inflates the final average salaries of soon-to-retire employee incomes.

SB 754 removes the income tax reimbursement bonus for PERS retirees who live outside of Oregon and do not pay Oregon income taxes

SB 754 redirects the 6% IAP employee payment (currently paid by the employer for 70% of PERS members), to a new account in the PERS fund for each PERS Tier 1 and Tier 2 member.

SB 754 adjusts the anomaly of the PERS “Money Match.” The Money Match is an alternative calculation to the Full Formula annuity.

The PERS uncontrolled cost increases are damaging local government and service district’s financial base and will over future years start to cripple their ability to serve residents and tax payers.

PERS does not add any value to the taxpayers.

Call your Oregon State Senators and Representatives and ask them to stop the uncontrolled PERS cost increases by passing SB 754.