To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

OSHA: Require MSDS's to identify GMO's in the worplace.

OSHA: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) identifying the specific, individual strains of any gmo ingredients in any food sold in the workplace need to be available to workers upon request. For branded, processed and pre-packaged food items, it shall suffice for the manufacturers to post the compliant MSDS's for their products to a standardized database before going on sale in any workplace.

Why is this important?

The existence of GMO foods is nearly universal in the workplace. Each and every individual strain of any gmo crop is an unknown potential toxin for which no long term studies have been conducted. Workers are not merely exposed, but actually consume, in massively greater than parts per million quantities, these unnatural compounds, whose safety is compellingly suspect by an ever growing body of concerned scientists. As a potential toxin, the Right to Know Act should apply to gmo's in the workplace and not enjoy any exemptions that might apply to natural foods from the actual Earth biology. Regardless, concerned workers have the right to know under the Act and food manufacturers must supply the requested MSDS's upon request.