To: President Donald Trump

Our Right To A Better Voting Method

Dear President Obama,
There are many in America who are cynical about the value of their vote. And rightly so, because our voting method is clumsy and outdated. From a mathematical perspective, Borda Count is the best method to insure an accurate reflection of the choice of the people (candidates are ranked by points). If you advocate for this, I am convinced that you will re-energize those who supported you in 2008 and you will draw many alternative party voters, because it would be an opportunity for them to have a seat at the table. Also, it will force the Republicans into an indefensible position. There is no good reason for the Democratic party to avoid this issue, because it would mean the end of partisan politics and a congress that you can work with. This is the game changer that you need to win in this post Citizens United atmosphere. Please make a stand for election reform and let's get this conversation started.

Thank you.

Why is this important?

The American voting system is clumsy and outdated. The success of our democracy hinges on our vote (the symbol of our voice). The sooner we upgrade our election process to something more sophisticated, like Borda Count, where we give points to each candidate according to our preference and the candidate with the most points, wins, The sooner we will see real hope and change. This allows alternative parties to compete and the election cannot be gamed by party splits or dirty politics. It is because of the ineffectiveness of our election process that we have ineffective government. Please sign this petition and let's send a message to the president that we want him to put the success of the nation above the success of the too big to fail, Democratic party.