To: John King, Commissioner of Education, Merryl Tisch, Chancellor of the Board of Regents, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, Education Chair, Senator John Flanagan, Chair, Education Committee, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Our Students deserve their Privacy

New York State needs to withdraw from InBloom and protect our children's personal data and privacy.
The NYS Education Department has contracted with Gates-funded InBloom to upload sensitive and identifiable student data to a "cloud" for use by school officials - including private companies contracted by the school district selling educational products and services. Our legislators, the Chancellor of the Board of Regents and Commissioner of Education John King need to know that we take this issue seriously and we want New York State to withdraw from InBloom and protect our children's personal data and privacy.

Why is this important?

As a teacher and parent of school age children I am concerned about their right to privacy. Imagine if your child's information - address, email, disability information, disciplinary records, performance on mental ability or psychological tests, their absentee records, academic classroom pullouts, reduced or free lunch eligibility, testing modifications, household information like foster care, single parent homes or military homes were all on a cloud that InBloom acknowledges it "cannot guarantee the security of the information stored".
Guess what? It's all going to be there.
NYS needs to withdraw from InBloom and protect our children's personal data and privacy.