To: State of NJ, DOE, School Ethics Commission

Oust Superintendent Labbe and corrupt Sayreville BOE Members.

Open investigation on the Sayreville Board of Ed.

Why is this important?

This petition calls into question the ethics of the Sayreville BOE in the handling of the Sayreville Bomber Football hazing scandal. It is believed by many in the community that Superintendent Labbe did not follow appropriate protocol when dealing with the crisis (he created) and that he acted not in the best interest of the children but for personal political notoriety. He has tainted the image of our athletes and community as a whole with inaccurate statements to the media prior to obtaining facts, meeting with parents or conducting a thorough investigation on the matter. See attached link with HIB guidelines on reporting.

We are still at a loss as to why he felt it necessary to go to the media using what has now proven by a court of law to be inaccurate statements. Our community is divided, our children are emotionally scarred and reputations are damaged. It is almost a year later and we have still yet to receive an answer. This is completely unacceptable. We are respectfully requesting that the School Ethics Commission of the NJ Dept. of Education open an investigation.
