To: The North Carolina State House, The North Carolina State Senate, and Governor Roy Cooper

Outdated solutions waste time, cause hardships.

While not having an income tax looked like a good idea 20 years ago, it is certainly not a good idea in these economic times! An 8% sales tax will cause further hardships on those who can least afford it and continue to put the ecomonic burden on the middle class. Think smart with compassion! No 8% sales tax! Keep the income tax!

Why is this important?

The new NC legislature is examining the possibility of raising the sales tax to 8% in these economic times. They are using the surface appeal of no income tax to accomplish this. (Even Tennessee is considering reinstating their income tax.) This idea would only add to the burdens of the elderly, disabled, poor, and the middle class! How long would it be before the sales tax would need to be raised to 10%?