To: President Donald Trump, The Maine State House, The Maine State Senate, Governor Janet Mills, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Outlaw the barbaric practice of "metzitzah b'peh"

The ritual, called metzitzah b'peh is an ancient Jewish ritual in which blood is sucked from the recently circumcised penis of a baby boy. It is controversial because infants can contract herpes when the mohel, or circumciser, sucks the blood to "cleanse" the circumcision wound

We ask all of government to recognize the implications and dangers of this practice which far exceeds and overshadows the claim of "freedom of religion" to continue this barbaric tradition. Just as we determined human and animal sacrifice to be irrational no matter what the religious reasoning behind it may have been, we must do the same for this harmful and unnecessary procedure. No longer will we remain passive while the dangers of certain religious tradition attempts to overshadow what is ethically right when it comes to our existence and especially the health, well being, and lives of our children.

Why is this important?

This may be 'tradition', but this ancient, barbaric, and pedophelic practice besides being immoral is often detrimental to the health of the child. It is unnecessary and inhumane and needs to be discontinued and outlawed immediately. Not one more child harmed!
