To: President Donald Trump, The Delaware State House, The Delaware State Senate, Governor John Carney, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Outsource Offshore Penalty Tax (OOPT)

OOPT there it is! Apply a penalty tax to American companies that outsource work, goods, services, support and product manufacturing, then market goods and services to the American people. If Americans are not good enough to make the products and goods or provide service and support for those companies who outsource & offshore, then their products and services are not good enough for the American consumers to purchase. Sell them when they are being made!

Why is this important?

Apply a penalty tax to American companies that outsource work, services and product manufacturing, then market goods and services to the American people. Americans would prefer to purchase products, goods and services made, manufactured, produced, serviced, and supported in America by Americans. Quite often there are none of these products, produced, manufactured, serviced or supported here; where they do exist the goods, products and services are often overpriced beyond patriotism. (The 2012 Olympics was a good example, it was a slap in the face to American people and the USA competitors having to were uniforms made anywhere outside of the USA.
Our government should apply penalty taxes that make it less lucrative to sell out Americans. Imports should be required to pay a penalty tax as well. Consumers in America, who purchase American made products, goods and services should have their purchases subsidized thereby making it more attractive economically and to also give fair, honest American companies a competitive edge. OOPT there it is!
