To: President Donald Trump, Lisa Belk-Lewis, lisa belk-lewis, Steve Englebright (NY-4), Vivian Cook (NY-32), Catherine Nolan (NY-37), Simcha Eichenstein (NY-48), FĂ©lix Ortiz (NY-51), N. Nick Perry (NY-58), Richard Gottfried (NY-75), ...

Overturn Ban of Locs in the workplace deemed not discriminatory for hiring or firing.

The court of appeals disagreed, ruling that CMS's Locs/natural hair "race-neutral grooming policy" was not discriminatory as hairstyles, while "culturally associated with race," are not "immutable physical characteristics." In essence, traits in a person's appearance that are tied to their culture but are otherwise changeable are not protected and can be used to deny job offers.

Why is this important?

My petition signifies a stand to not be judged for hiring purposes on my Locs, which stands for religious reasons. As a born American, I am at a loss because as of September 15, 2016, there has been a ban on Locs (dreadlocks), including Afros, braid, and Bantu knots, which are the natural hair of African Americans. From the beginning of time, our History defines Loc's as our Spiritual/Religious connection to God, as our heritage and what naturally grows out of our heads without chemically disturbing the hair that causes proven damage to our hair and organs. African Americans' Natural hair should never be a part of the economic and educational conversation and has NOTHING to do with our job performance or advancement academically. This ban highlights the racial divide and breakdown systematically. The hiring and firing process should not include race, religion, disability, gender, as well as the new decision banning natural hair. It's like asking a white woman or man that in order to be gainfully employed, they either have to process their hair, cut their hair very short, or dye it black. There is not a ban or emphasis that targets, inflicts, and jeopardizes the livelihood or education of Caucasians, especially since they contribute widely to the daily disruption in schools due to head lice, which causes children to be taken out of classrooms and miss assignments to check for head lice infestation. It interrupts students from gaining knowledge during their school day and possibly spreads lice to others and their families. It is an inherent disrespect and contradiction to continue to plague African Americans insisting "Black Lives Don't Matter". There are more pressing issues that need to be addressed and rectified. Hair that's in its natural state doesn't solidify one the loss of employment or the chance for employment as a pathway to provide for their families. There isn't a ban forcing white children or adults to cut or dye their hair or to find an alternative hairstyle in order to be a productive member of society. No solution has been made or passed into law to stop the spreading of bugs known as head Lice in the workplace and schools. Lice has been a problem and is prone to a majority of white people for centuries and has never been addressed. It is not only demeaning and dehumanizing to have someone's prejudiced feelings about natural hair, but it's a loophole to force the demise of African American's financial productivity. It is a travesty that employers not only have the federal backing along with the US Circuit Court of Appeals to racially and religiously discriminate against African Americans based on our natural hair. I am appalled and have had anxiety because I now have to walk on pins and needles knowing there is a law that is on the side of wrong that I can ultimately be fired or hired not based on my qualifications but because I'm targeted for my spiritual freedom of expression for having natural hair. To allow this on a Federal and U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals level is to openly bully and discriminate against blacks for having natural hair by allowing this legal ban, which does not provide recourse to employers and educational systems to be held accountable for taking away our livelihood in order to survive. This is discrimination, to say the least, and this ban Needs to and Should be overturned.