To: Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Sen. Robert Casey (PA-1), and Sen. Patrick Toomey (PA-2)

Overturn Citizens United ruling, it's your duty as an American

Corporations are not people, they should not be able to freely spend unlimited money to pollute the public airwaves with the vitriol and hatred they've shown themselves to be capable of since the floodgates opened. At least let our politicians sling there own mud.

Why is this important?

The fact that the highest appointed court in this country decided that multi-billion dollar corporations have the right to freely spend untold amounts of money to influence peoples opinion using "public" airwaves in an election is tragic and absurd. Corporations don't go to war and fight, maybe get wounded, maybe die, yet they can profit from it and support politicians sympathetic to the Military Industrial Complex. Corporations don't breathe the air, yet they can pollute it and buy the influence of politicians that only care about money and power to pass bills allowing them to do just that. Corporations don't eat the food, but they can feed us the bottom of the barrel and then buy a politician who'll not only say it's fine, but offer them subsidies. I understand that politicians have been bought and sold since the first politician arrived and I understand that in the modern world, it's the corporations that are doing the buying, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ALRIGHT AND IT SURE SHOULD NOT BE MADE LEGAL!!!! Sure, they can't put the money right into the politicians campaign fund and of course they can't have any contact with the candidates election committee, because, well that's illegal ( nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more), but to act as if these " Super -PACS" are without an agenda is moronic and they've already proven that they're more than happy to sink to the lowest common denominator.Overturn Citizens United, it's your duty to your constituents. Remember us? We're those little creatures that are still allowed to vote ( and even that privilege seems to be on rocky ground). Do your duty to your country, it's what you swore to do.