To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

ownership of our own physical self is unclear.

We are petitioning Governor Kitzhaber and the Oregon State Congress for SOLE ownership of, and all property rights to, our own bodies. We are asking that this be clarified, and codified, in State Law. In addition, we ask that the State Constitution be amended to include a statement that accurately reflects the following sentiment:

* Each and every Oregon resident is the SOLE legal owner of their own body, including the property rights to all its various parts, fluids, and products both physical and mental.
* A parent/guardian must, by necessity, temporarily assume ownership of their child's body, ensuring its health and wellbeing until he or she becomes a legal adult.
* A child's ownership of their own body is gradually acquired as he or she matures toward legal adulthood.
* NO other individual, group, organization, institution, etc.,; be they judicial, political, religious, military, etc.; shall have property rights to any body other than their own, except as allowed by the constitution, for parents and legal guardians.

Why is this important?

There are many issues that would become moot if the question of body ownership was settled. End-of-life, birth control, and right-to-life conflict would be resolved with decisions being made by those directly involved at the family level, rather than by others whose belief system may not be our own.
