To: Joseph Petrarca (PA-55) and Andrew Lewis (PA-105)

PA Judiciary Committee: End Police Brutality. Vote Yes to HB420

Voting Yes to HB420 will require that all police officers wear body cameras. Body cameras are needed to protect the citizens police officers serve; police Body cameras will hopefully put an end to police brutality and discrimination by providing viable proof in court for all Police encounters. Police Body cameras will serve as a tool to hold police officers accountable for all unethical & negligent behaviors. Police Body Cameras will also aid in building back the necessary trust between police officers and the communities they serve, because the body camera will give the community reassurance that disciplinary measures will be taken against police officers whenever the police violate policy. No encounters will ever go unnoticed.

Why is this important?

Citizens should feel protected by law enforcement not fearful. Some police officers have falsified police reports costing citizens hundreds of dollars in fines and in some instances jail time. Without police body cameras it's difficult for citizens to prove their testimony is truth over the police officers in the court of law. Citizens have lost careers and even their lives over false testimonies and charges written by police officers. I know that Police Body Cameras will not fix all the brokenness within our Criminal Justice System, but at least it will be an initial first step in the right direction towards reform.
