To: The Pennsylvania State Senate

Pass PA Senate Bill 100 - a Health Bill for Lyme Patients

We need to get health care for disabled and chronically ill Lyme and tick-borne disease sufferers, who are unable to get treatment because insurance companies deny coverage and doctors will not accept insurance, insisting in cash payment, which causes financial hardship for patients who are unable to work. As the mother of a son disabled by Lyme disease for almost 9 years, this bill is important not only for him but for all those disabled by chronic Lyme and its co-infections.

Why is this important?

Pennsylvania has more Lyme an tick-borne infections than any other state, but has few doctors who treat chronic Lyme, with about 20% of patients being chronic.

Insurance companies deny payment for long-term treatment, relying on infectious disease guidelines, no longer in effect, having been removed by the National Institute of Guidelines.

PA doctors fear losing their licenses for treating Lyme disease long term. PA Senate Bill 100 protects doctors and requires insurance company pay for all prescribed Lyme diease treatment.

The bill is in the Insurance & Banking Committee chaired by Sen. Donald C. White, who refuses to let this Bill out of committee, since he is in the insurance industry. Please contact Sen. White at Senate Box 203041, Harrisburg PA 17120-3041 at 717-787-8724 to support this Bill.

If you're a PA, contact your state senator, as well, and urge him/her to pressure Sen. White to bring this bill to the full senate , where it will pass.

Thank you,

Peggy Boyce Furey, mother of son afflicted with chronic Lyme disease.